Become a member
LCEA relies on the generosity of individuals and businesses to help support our efforts to protect the interests of horse owners and horse industries in Loudoun County. Most importantly, your membership tells county lawmakers, policymakers, and administrators we represent YOU in all facets of the equestrian community. Your individual or business membership makes the Loudoun County Equine Alliance more effective.
Loudoun County Equine Alliance board members represent you on Loudoun County committees and boards, including:
– Loudoun County Parks & Recreation & Outdoor Space
– Rural Economic Development Council
– Loudoun County Preservation and Conservation Coalition.
Annual Membership Dues:
$50 – Business
(Annual membership is included in Equine Expo vendor table reservation)
Individual membership is free and does not expire
Business Membership
(Annual membership fee is included in Equine Expo vendor table reservation)
Loudoun County Equine Alliance
PO Box 293 – Purcellville, Virginia 20134
Email us HERE